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Les Chroniques Oubliées

Album composed on Guitar Pro in 2010.

Greatly inspired from retro games OST, this Demo tells the adventures of an elf, Blum, who was exiled from his native forest where he cultivated honey for hydromel.

The songs retrace his adventure, illustrating his encounters, emotions, and his evolution since his departure...

Playlist :
01. La Forêt Oklavia
02. Blum et son Hydromel
03. En descendant la Rivière
04. Au Crépuscule de l'Espoir
05. L'Epée des Eléments

06. Chez les Nains
07. Muse des Mélancolies
08. Esprit de Cristal
09. La Lyre des Dragons

10. Le Requiem des Valkyries

11. Soluna

12. A l'Aube d'un Nouvel Âge

Total Time : 00:31:48

Immortal Lands

Album composed on Guitar Pro in 2008.

Inspired from retro video-games, this was my first Demo.


Playlist :
01. Out of Dreams -Prologue-

02. Lost Kingdom

03. In the shadow of Destiny

04. Immortal Lands

05. The Old Castle

06. Along the Enchanted River

07. Ragnarök Nùma (Age of Ragnarok)

08. Beyond all believes

09. Suulkan Valley

10. Forest of the Fairies

11. Windchant in Mountains

12. In the dark cave of Goblins

13. The Gate of Eternity

Total Time : 00:33:05

This album (produced between 2013 and 2015) tells a great journey into the heart of Celtic and Scandinavian countries...
Lulled by the fresh breeze, follow the Path of Minstrels to a lost lake where echoes of their songs can be eternally heared...


Playlist :

01. Le Sentier des Ménestrels

02. Loarwenn

03. La Marche vers les Highlands

04. Un Chemin de Neige et de Glace

05. Vers de Nouveaux Horizons

06. Le Chant des Fjords

07. Nibelunglied

08. Le Voyage du Dragon

09. Les Arcanes du Monde

10. Le Lac aux Eternels Echos


Bonus Track : - King of the Fairies

                   - Les Lacs de Pontchartrain


Total Time : 00:29:10

Le Sentier des Ménestrels

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